Wednesday, May 22, 2013

NWEA Testing

The students in room 200 will be taking the NWEA tests on May 23rd and May 30th.

Spelling Words for the Week of 5-22-13

1. chaos
2. could
3. would
4. island
5. doubt
6. answer
7. rhino
8. whistle
9. rustle
10. castle
11. listen

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 5-22-13

1. brisk
2. doe
3. leather
4. shed
5. recycling
6. fabric
7. citizens
8. adopted

Homework for the Week of 5-22-13

This week's homework will be as follows:
Monday: Write each vocabulary word in a sentence and math 11-6.
Tuesday: Write each spelling word in a sentence and math 11-7.
Wednesday: Choose at least three vocabulary words and write them within a paragraph, study for reading and spelling test, and math 11-8.
Thursday:  Math 11-9.
Friday: book report

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Study Guide for the Science Test on 5-15-13

These following concepts will be included on the science test on 5-15-13:

  • season
  • drought
  • temperature
  • condense
  • weather pattern
  • evaporate
  • precipitation
  • ocean
  • water vapor
  • anemometer
  • rain, snow, sleet, and hail
  • flood
  • thermometer

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 5-13-13

1. explorer
2. orchid
3. chores
4. discovered
5. sesame
6. popular
7. wiser

Spelling Words for the Week of 5-13-13

1. mowing
2. mountain
3. moonbeam
4. loom
5. fume
6. noon
7. nook
8. took
9. tool
10. cube
11. cook
12. flower
13. flow

Homework for the Week of 5-13-13

This week's homework will be as follows:
Monday: Write each vocabulary word in a sentence and math 11-1.
Tuesday: Write each spelling word in a sentence and math 11-2.
Wednesday: Choose at least three vocabulary words and write them within a paragraph and math 11-3.
Thursday:  Study for reading and spelling test and math 11-4.
Friday: book report and math 11-5.