Thursday, December 16, 2010

Homework for 12-16-10

Tonight's homework is to complete the unit 2 vocabulary test. It is due on 12-17-10.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Homework for 12-15-10

Tonight's homework is to complete the unit four practice math test as well as write the spelling words in alphabetical order.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Homework for 12-14-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence and to complete home link 4.9.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Field Trip Due Date

I would like to remind you that field trip money and permission slip are due on 12-14-10.

Homework for 12-13-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 4.8 and write each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Homework for 12-10-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 12-17-10.

Spelling Words for the Week of 12-13-10

1. germ
2. very
3. trunks
4. limbs
5. sprouts
6. peach
7. cheese
8. please
9. between
10. eagle
11. waist
12. railroad
13. pavement
14. flavor
15. Thursday
16. underneath
17. always
18. depend
19. wait
20. sneeze
21. ice
22. magic
23. pencil
24. peace
25. age

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 12-13-10

1. trunks
2. limbs
3. stems
4. minerals
5. sprouts
6. insects
7. cocoon
8. tunnels
9. enemies
10. invade
11. chain
12. trace
13. fossil
14. print
15. outstretched
16. fussy
17. dull
18. sensing
19. antennae
20. cycle
21. rent
22. vacant
23. tenants
24. deserted
25. examined

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Homework for 12-9-10

Tonight's homework is to study for the reading and spelling test as well as finish the math worksheet passed out in class.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Homework for 12-8-10

Tonight's homework is to write the spelling words in alphabetical order and to complete home link 4.7.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Homework for 12-6-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home links 4.4 and 4.5 as well as writing a sentence for each vocabulary word.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Spelling Words for the Week of 12-6-10

1. cancel
2. grieve
3. brief
4. baby
5. rigid
6. thief
7. funny
8. chief
9. civil
10. cell
11. germ
12. very
13. trunks
14. limbs
15. sprouts

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 12-6-10

1. trunks
2. limbs
3. stems
4. minerals
5. sprouts

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Homework for 12-2-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 12-10-10.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Homework for 12-1-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 4.3 and to study for the reading and spelling test.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Homework for 11-29-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 4.1 and to write each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Spelling Words for the Week of 11-29-10

1. excite
2. century
3. tragic
4. gentle
5. piece
6. large
7. city
8. gem
9. face
10. digit
11. ice
12. magic
13. pencil
14. peace
15. age

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 11-29-10

1. rent
2. vacant
3. tenants
4. deserted
5. examined

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Homework for 11-23-10

Tonight's homework is to complete reading workbook pages 125-126 and the math worksheet.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Homework for 11-22-10

Tonight's homework is to complete reading workbook page 121-122 and the math test corrections.

Unit 3 Math Test

I have graded and recorded the scores for unit 3 math test in the grade book. A part of the home work for this evening will be to correct all mistakes made on the test ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. If your child finishes all the corrections on the test, half credit for the questions missed will be added back to the final test score.

Please return the test along with the corrections by 11-23-10 to receive credit.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Homework for 11-19-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 11-24-10. Additionally, some graded work was passed back to day. Your child was instructed to bring it home.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Homework for 11-18-10

Tonight's homework is to complete the math worksheet and to study for the reading and spelling test.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Homework for 11-15-10

Tonight's homework will be to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete home link 3.7.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 11-15-10

1. fussy
2. dull
3. sensing
4. antennae
5. cycle

Spelling Words for the Week of 11-15-10

1. tail
2. reach
3. queen
4. fear
5. say
6. gave
7. sweet
8. acorn
9. player
10. even
11. underneath
12. always
13. depend
14. wait
15. sneeze

Homework for 11-10-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 11-19-10.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Homework for 11-9-10

Tonight's homework is to complete worksheet pages 53-54 and home link 3.7.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Homework for 11-8-10

Tonight's homework assignment is to complete reading worksheet pages 43-44 and home link 3.6. Your child removed the reading worksheet from a workbook and was instructed to bring it home.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Vocabulary and Spelling Words

Next week the students are in school for only three days. The students will not be responsible for any spelling or vocabulary words for the week of 11-8-10.

Homework for 11-5-10

I apologize for not updating the blog in a couple of days. I've had some computer issues. The students were passed back a reading and spelling test yesterday, and were instructed to bring them home. This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 11-10-10.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Homework for 11-2-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 3.3 and to write each spelling word in a sentence.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Homework for 11-1-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete home link 3.2.

Spelling Words for the Week of 11-1-10

1. stay
2. rain
3. base
4. April
5. May
6. chain
7. trace
8. play
9. paid
10. fable
11. waist
12. railroad
13. pavement
14. flavor
15. Thursday

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 11-1-10

1. chain
2. trace
3. fossil
4. print
5. outstretched

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Homework for 10-28-10

I have graded and recorded the scores for unit math test in the grade book. The home work for this evening will be to correct all mistakes made on the test ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. If your child finishes all the corrections on the test, half credit for the questions missed will be added back to the final test score.

Please return the test along with the corrections by 10-29-10 to receive credit.

Grades for 10-28-10

I have graded a few assignments and put them in the grade book. Your child was instructed to bring them home.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Homework for 10-27-10

Tonight's homework is to write the spelling words in alphabetical order and to complete home link 3.1. The students will have a reading and spelling test on Thursday October 28, 2010.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Homework for 10-25-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete unit 2 math practice test. The students will have a math test tomorrow that will reflect the practice test.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 10-25-10

1. insects
2. cocoon
3. tunnels
4. enemies
5. invade

Spelling Words for the Week of 10-25-10

1. real
2. sleep
3. we
4. feel
5. east
6. green
7. team
8. belong
9. knee
10. clear
11. peach
12. cheese
13. please
14. between
15. eagle

Homework for 10-21-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due 10-29-10.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Homework for 10-20-10

Tonight's homework is to write the spelling words in alphabetical order as well as complete home link 2.12. The students will have a spelling and vocabulary test tomorrow on the words from the review list.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Homework for 10-18-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 2.10 and to write each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Grades for 10-18-10

I have graded and returned the spelling and reading tests from last week. Your child has been instructed to bring them home.

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 10-18-10

1. feelings
2. precious
3. care
4. kind
5. share
6. dawn
7. elves
8. shoemaker
9. flash
10. leather
11. finest
12. snoozing
13. furious
14. repay
15. raged
16. gnaw
17. palace
18. escalator
19. dashing
20. yanked
21. fastened
22. engines
23. glows
24. witness
25. litter

Spelling Words for the Week of 10-18-10

1. apron
2. final
3. quite
4. quiet
5. share
6. comb
7. bugle
8. total
9. human
10. suppose
11. basic
12. program
13. usual
14. finest
15. caper
16. compete
17. create
18. evening
19. delete
20. eraser
21. alphabet
22. wrinkle
23. known
24. nephew
25. photo

Reading for the Week of 10-18-10

The students in room 200 will be reviewing words and skills from unit one next week in reading. We will not be working on a story, but your child will be responsible for the unit one review spelling and vocabulary word lists.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Homework for 10-14-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 2.9 and to write the spelling words in alphabetical order. Additionally, the students must study for their reading and spelling tests.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Home Link 2.7

Tonight's home link pages are flash cards that may be used at home. Your child may cut out the pieces and practice at home. They are not required to bring the triangle flash cards back to school.

Homework for 10-13-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 2.7 and to write each spelling word in a sentence.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Homework for 10-12-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 2.6 and to write each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Spelling Words for the Week of 10-11-10

1. wren
2. knot
3. knife
4. write
5. phone
6. graph
7. wrap
8. wrist
9. phase
10. knit
11. alphabet
12. wrinkle
13. known
14. nephew
15. photo

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 10-11-10

1. palace
2. escalator
3. dashing
4. yanked
5. fastened

Homework for 10-8-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due next Friday.

Grades for 10-8-10

I have graded and passed back the reading test from last week along with a writing assignment your child has done. The writing assignment has two grades marked with a "C" and an "M". The "C" grade is for content of written assignment and the "M" is for the mechanics your child used.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Homework for 10-7-10

Tonight's homework is to study for the reading and spelling test as well as completing home link 2.5.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Unit 1 Math Test

I have graded and recorded the scores for unit 1 math test in the grade book. A part of the home work for this evening will be to correct all mistakes made on the test ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. If your child finishes all the corrections on the test, half credit for the questions missed will be added back to the final test score.

Please return the test along with the corrections by 10-7-10 to receive credit.

Homework for 10-6-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 2.4 and to write the spelling words in alphabetical order. Additionally, the students are to complete math test corrections.

Grades for 10-6-10

I have graded the math and spelling test and have returned it to your child. Please review their tests, and as always, I encourage you to check the online grade book.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Homework for 10-5-10

The students did receive homework from the substitute teacher yesterday. I am giving the students an extra night to complete the work. The assignments your child has due tomorrow are:
1. Social Studies worksheet
2. Spelling and Vocabulary sentences
3. Home Links 2.2 and 2.3

Friday, October 1, 2010

Spelling Words for the Week of 10-4-10

1. repay
2. meter
3. eve
4. gene
5. beside
6. elect
7. pretend
8. these
9. hero
10. demand
11. compete
12. create
13. evening
14. delete
15. eraser

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 10-4-10

1. snoozing
2. furious
3. repay
4. raged
5. gnaw

Homework for 10-1-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report and turn it in by 10-8-10. Additionally, the students have a science test on Monday. They have been instructed to bring their textbooks home.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Homework for 9-30-10

Tonight's homework is to study for the reading and spelling test and to complete home link 2.1.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Science Homework

The students in room 200 also have a science worksheet for homework tonight. It is due 9-30-10.

Homework for 9-29-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 1.12 and to write the spelling words in alphabetical order.

Grades for 9-29-10

I have corrected and passed back the reading and spelling tests. Your child has been instructed to bring the papers home. I encourage you to check the online grade book.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Homework for 9-28-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence and to complete the math practice test. The students in rooms 200 and 202 will have a math test tomorrow on unit one. We have reviewed skills for the test and the practice test for homework is an additional review.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Homework for 9-27-10

Tonight's homework is to complete the science worksheet, write each vocabulary word in a sentence, and to complete home link 1.11.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 9-27-10

1. elves
2. shoemaker
3. flash
4. leather
5. finest

Spelling Words for the Week of 9-27-10

1. label
2. vine
3. bonus
4. wild
5. gate
6. huge
7. zero
8. made
9. spoke
10. use
11. basic
12. program
13. usual
14. finest
15. caper

Homework for 9-23-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 10-1-10.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Homework for 9-22-10

Tonight's homework is to write the spelling words in alphabetical order and to study for the reading and spelling test.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I have corrected and returned the spelling and reading test. Your child has been instructed to bring these papers home.

Homework for 9-21-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Homework for 9-20-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence on a separate piece of paper.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 9-20-10

1. dawn
2. engines
3. glows
4. witness
5. litter

Spelling Words for the Week of 9-20-10

1. menu
2. nose
3. most
4. cure
5. joke
6. unit
7. vote
8. fuse
9. soda
10. mule
11. comb
12. bugle
13. total
14. human
15. suppose

Homework for 9-17-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 9-23-10.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Homework for 9-16-10

Tonight's homework is to study for the reading and spelling tests.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Homework for 9-15-10

Tonight's homework is to write the spelling words in alphabetical order and to turn it in on 9-16-10.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Homework for 9-14-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence. It is due on 9-15-10.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Homework for 9-13-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence. It is due on 9-14-10.

Spelling Words for the Week of 9-13-10

1. mild
2. care
3. pilot
4. lady
5. bake
6. time
7. sale
8. ride
9. able
10. kind
11. apron
12. final
13. quite
14. quiet
15. share

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 9-13-10

1. feelings
2. share
3. precious
4. care
5. kind

Friday, June 11, 2010

Game Days

Next week I am allowing the students to bring board/card/hand held games to school. If your child wishes to bring a game, he/she is responsible for what is brought.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Homework for 6-4-10

The homework for the weekend is to complete the book report form. It is due on 6-11-10.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Homework for 6-3-10

Tonight's homework is to write the spelling words in alphabetical order and to study for the reading and spelling test. Additionally, I have graded and recorded the scores for unit 11 math test in the grade book. A part of the home work for this evening will be to correct all mistakes made on the test. If your child finishes all the corrections on the test, half credit for the questions missed will be added back to the final test score. Please return the original test along with the corrections on a separate piece of paper by 6-7-10 to receive credit.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Homework for 6-2-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Homework for 6-1-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete the chapter 11 math practice test.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 6-1-10

1. treated
2. border
3. weakened
4. strike
5. union
6. boycott
7. crops
8. awarded

Spelling Words for the Week of 6-1-10

1. law
2. low
3. boot
4. book
5. doom
6. took
7. allow
8. arrow
9. string
10. spring
11. describe
12. strict

Friday, May 28, 2010

Homework for 5-28-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 6-4-10.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Homework for 5-27-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 11.9 and to study for the reading and spelling test.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Homework for 5-26-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 11.8 and to write the spelling words in alphabetical order.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Homework for 5-25-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 11.7 and to write each spelling word in a sentence.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Homework for 05-24-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home links 11.5 and 11.6 and to write each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Spelling Words for the Week of 5-24-10

1. awkward
2. applaud
3. owl
4. awe
5. clown
6. claw
7. shower
8. shawl
9. pounding
10. pause
11. tower
12. tawny

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 5-24-10

1. calves
2. ached
3. pounding
4. pale
5. glimpse
6. shuffled
7. slipped
8. strolled

Friday, May 21, 2010

Homework for 5-21-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 5-28-10.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Homework for 5-20-10

Tonight's homework is to study for the reading and spelling test and to complete home link 11.4.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Homework for 5-19-10

Tonight's homework is to write the spelling words in alphabetical order and to complete home link 11.3. Additionally, I have graded and recorded the scores for unit 10 math test in the grade book. A part of the home work for this evening will be to correct all mistakes made on the test. If your child finishes all the corrections on the test, half credit for the questions missed will be added back to the final test score. Please return the original test along with the corrections on a separate piece of paper by 5-21-10 to receive credit.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Homework for 5-18-10

Tonight's homework is the write each spelling word in a sentence and to complete home link 11.2.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Homework for 5-17-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete home link 11.1.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spelling Words for the Week of 5-17-10

1. screen
2. spry
3. strength
4. scratch
5. strange
6. sprout
7. sprawl
8. scream
9. splash
10. stretch
11. scrape
12. split
13. straw

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 5-17-10

1. demanding
2. fair
3. laws
4. graduated
5. arrested
6. prejudice
7. content
8. section

Friday, May 14, 2010

Homework for 5-14-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report given to your child. It is due on 5-21-10.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Homework for 5-13-10

Tonight's homework is to read for 20-30 minutes with an adult and then talk about what you have read with the adult. Additionally, the book reports are due tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Homework for 5-12-10

Tonight's homework is to write the spelling words in alphabetical order and to complete the chapter 10 practice test for math. Additionally, students need to study for the reading and spelling test that will take place on 5-13-10

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Homework for 5-11-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home links 10.10 and 10.11 as well as writing each spelling word in a sentence.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Homework for 5-10-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete home link 10.9.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Spelling Words for the Week of 5-10-10

1. chaos
2. could
3. would
4. island
5. doubt
6. answer
7. rhino
8. whistle
9. rustle
10. castle
11. listen

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 5-10-10

1. brisk
2. doe
3. leather
4. shed
5. recycling
6. fabric
7. citizens
8. adopted

Friday, May 7, 2010

Homework for 5-7-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 5-14-10.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Homework for 5-6-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 10.8 and to study for the reading and spelling test.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Homework for 5-5-10

Tonight's homework is to write the spelling words in alphabetical order and to complete home link 10.7

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Homework for 5-4-10

Tonight's homework will be to write each spelling word in a sentence and to complete home link 10.6.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Chaperones for the Field Trip on 5-14-10

I have my five chaperones for the field trip on 5-14-10 to the Ella Jenkins concert. Thank you to my parents who have volunteered.

Homework for 5-3-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 10.5 and to write each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 5-3-10

1. explorer
2. orchid
3. chores
4. discovered
5. sesame
6. popular
7. wiser

Spelling Words for the Week of 5-3-10

1. mowing
2. mountain
3. moonbeam
4. loom
5. fume
6. noon
7. nook
8. took
9. tool
10. cube
11. cook
12. flower
13. flow

Friday, April 30, 2010

Homework for 4-30-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report and to return it by next Friday.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Homework for 4-29-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 10.3 and to study for the reading and spelling tests.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Homework for 4-27-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence and to complete home link 10.1. Don't forget to turn in chapter nine test corrections. The test corrections are due by 4-28-10.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 4-26-10

1. reservation
2. dreaded
3. qualified
4. mysterious
5. mountain lion
6. stomping
7. inform

Spelling Words for the Week of 4-26-10

1. because
2. walnut
3. ointment
4. rejoice
5. loyal
6. noise
7. oyster
8. naughty
9. thoughts
10. stalk
11. recall
12. haul
13. lawn

Friday, April 23, 2010

Homework for 4-23-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the assigned book report. It is due next Friday.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Homework for 4-22-10

Tonight's homework will be to write the spelling words in alphabetical order and to study for the reading and spelling test. We took the math test today, therefore there isn't any math homework this evening.

Classroom Supplies

We are out out of the following classroom supplies.

1. soap
2. paper towels
3. tissue

Any donations of any kind are appreciated.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Homework for 4-20-10

Tonight's homework is to complete the math practice test and write each spelling word in a sentence.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Homework for 4-19-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 9.9 and write each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spelling Words for the Week of 4-19-10

1. moist
2. appoint
3. royal
4. toy
5. boil
6. enjoy
7. coin
8. voyage
9. boys
10. choice
11. annoy
12. spoil
13. join

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 4-19-10

1. rumble
2. rugged
3. snowdrift
4. burrowed
5. squinted
6. shifted
7. snapped

Friday, April 16, 2010

Homework for 4-16-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 4-23-10.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Earth Day Shirts

This is just a reminder that Robert A. Black will be celebrating Earth Day on 4-22-10. You may purchase a Robert A. Black Earth Day shirt for $10.00. If a shirt is purchased, your child may wear this shirt on 4-22-10 instead of his/her uniform.

Spring Pictures

Tomorrow is Spring Picture Day. The students do not have to wear their uniform on 4-16-10.

Homework for 4-15-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 9.7 and to study for the reading and spelling test. Your child has been instructed to bring home their reading book.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Homework for 4-14-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 9.6 and to write the spelling words in alphabetical order.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Homework for 4-12-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 9.4 and to write each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spelling Words for the Week of 4-12-10

1. sourdough
2. thorough
3. thoughtful
4. ought
5. tough
6. although
7. rough
8. thought
9. though
10. fought
11. dough
12. cough

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 4-12-10

1. transferred
2. sprout
3. courage
4. tended
5. blossom
6. kingdom
7. emperor

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Homework for 4-8-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. The book report is due on 4-16-10.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Homework for 4-7-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 9.3 and to study for the reading and spelling test.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Unit 8 Math Test

I have graded and recorded the scores for unit 8 math test in the grade book. A part of the home work for this evening will be to correct all mistakes made on the test. If your child finishes all the corrections on the test, half credit for the questions missed will be added back to the final test score. Please return the original test along with the corrections on a separate piece of paper by 4-7-10 to receive credit. Any test corrections given after 4-7-10 WILL NOT be given credit.

Homework for 4-6-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence as well as complete home link 9.2 and math test corrections.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Classroom Supplies

The students of room 200 are all out of tissue. I am asking for donations of tissue to be used in the classroom. Thank you for all your support.

Homework for 4-5-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 9.1 and to write each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Spelling Words for the Week of 4-5-10

1. chalk
2. daughter
3. small
4. halt
5. caught
6. taught
7. sought
8. always
9. call
10. bought
11. overall
12. walk

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 4-5-10

1. trickling
2. flooded
3. rumbling
4. numb
5. dikes
6. windmills

Friday, March 26, 2010

Homework for Spring Break

The homework the students may do over the break is the book report and prepare the final copy of the Young Authors Book. The rough drafts have been read and recorded. I was so pleased to read such creative stories. The final book is due to me on April 5, 2010. Have a happy and safe break.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Homework for 3-25-10

Tonight's homework will be to study for the reading and spelling test. The students completed their math test today in class, therefore do not have any math homework.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Homework for 3-24-10

Tonight's homework will be to write the vocabulary words in alphabetical order and to complete the unit 8 practice math test.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Homework for 3-23-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 8.7 and to write each spelling word in a sentence.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Homework for 3-22-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 8.6 and to write each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Spelling Words for the Week of 3-22-10

1. daunting
2. squawk
3. vault
4. cause
5. author
6. yawn
7. crawl
8. launch
9. draw
10. thaw
11. sauce
12. hawk

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 3-22-10

1. trembling
2. avalanche
3. leaping
4. puffing
5. afraid
6. brave

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Homework for 3-18-10

Tonight's homework is to study for the reading and spelling test. Additionally, the students need to complete their book reports and their rough drafts for Young Authors. The book report is due on 3-19-10 and the rough draft is due on 3-22-10.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Homework for 3-17-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 8.5 and to write the spelling words in alphabetical order.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Homework for 3-16-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 8.4 and to write each spelling word in a sentence.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Young Author's Rough Draft

Your child received a packet for this year's MANDATORY Young Author's Writing Contest. In the packet it states the rough draft is due to the teacher on March 19, 2010. I am extending the rough draft due date to March 22, 2010. The rough draft will count for writing grades in the grade book. I must restate that this project is NOT optional.

Homework for 3-15-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 8.3 and to write each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 3-15-10

1. unaware
2. protective
3. coloration
4. imitator
5. available
6. natural

Spelling Words for the Week of 3-15-10

1. snowplow
2. looser
3. books
4. scout
5. cool
6. duty
7. count
8. plow
9. cookie
10. frown
11. rude
12. blue
13. childhood
14. igloo
15. hoop

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Homework for 3-11-10

Tonight's homework will be to study for the reading and spelling test and to complete home link 8.2.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Homework for 3-10-10

Tonight's homework will be to make corrections on a separate piece of paper for unit 7 math test. Additionally, your child must write the spelling words in alphabetical order.

Unit 7 Math Test

I have graded and recorded the scores for unit 7 math test in the grade book. A part of the home work for this evening will be to correct all mistakes made on the test. If your child finishes all the corrections on the test, half credit for the questions missed will be added back to the final test score. Please return the original test along with the corrections on a separate piece of paper by 3-11-10 to receive credit.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Young Author's Writing Contest

Your child received a packet with the guidelines for the Young Author's Contest. This project is MANDATORY for all the students in room 200. Please be advised of the due dates that appear in the packet.

Homework for 3-9-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence and to complete home link 8.1.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Homework for 3-8-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete the unit 7 math practice test. Your child will be taking a math test tomorrow for unit 7. I have gone over the questions that will appear on the test and I am asking that you review the practice test with your child at home tonight.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 3-8-10

1. delicate
2. reeds
3. bank
4. admired
5. temper
6. glossy

Spelling Words for the Week of 3-8-10

1. shower
2. outside
3. birdhouse
4. round
5. howl
6. town
7. sound
8. down
9. crowd
10. loud
11. now
12. hour
13. ouch

Friday, March 5, 2010

Homework for 3-5-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 3-12-10.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Homework for 3-4-10

Tonight's homework is to study for the reading and spelling test. Additionally, the students should write their spelling words in alphabetical order and complete home link 7.8.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Homework for 3-3-10

Tonight's homework is to complete 7.7 and to write each spelling word in a sentence.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Homework for 3-2-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete home link 7.6.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 3-1-10

1. delay
2. glides
3. designed
4. proceeds
5. fade
6. creatures

Spelling Words for the Week of 3-1-10

1. childhood
2. uncooked
3. hook
4. hoof
5. wood
6. brook
7. foot
8. stood
9. shook
10. soot
11. good
12. look
13. rooster
14. noodle
15. wooden

Friday, February 26, 2010

Homework for 2-26-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 3-5-10.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Homework for 2-25-10

Tonight's homework is to complete the math worksheet provided and to study for the spelling and reading test.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Homework for 2-24-10

Tonight's homework is to write the spelling words in alphabetical order and to complete home link 7.4.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Homework for 2-23-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence and to complete home link 7.4.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Homework for 2-22-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete home link 7.3.

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 2-22-10

1. meadow
2. pond
3. scent
4. disguise
5. hare
6. stump

Spelling Words for the Week of 2-22-10

1. newsroom
2. fluid
3. salute
4. blueberry
5. overdue
6. ruby
7. due
8. grew
9. dew
10. student
11. June
12. lure
13. blew
14. clue

Friday, February 19, 2010

Homework for 2-19-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 2-26-10.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Homework for 2-18-10

Tonight's homework is to study for the reading and spelling test. Additionally, I have graded and recorded the scores for unit 6 math test in the grade book. A part of the home work for this evening will be to correct all mistakes made on the test. If your child finishes all the corrections on the test, half credit for the questions missed will be added back to the final test score. Please return the original test along with the corrections on a separate piece of paper by 2-19-10 to receive credit.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Homework for 2-17-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence and to complete home link 7.2.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Homework for 2-16-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete home link 7.1.

Spelling Words for 2-16-10

1. school
2. rooster
3. noodle
4. pool
5. pooch
6. room
7. food
8. bloom
9. soon
10. igloo
11. mood
12. tooth
13. hoop

Vocabulary Words 2-16-10

1. camouflage
2. mimicry
3. patterns
4. surroundings
5. pretenders
6. blend

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Homework for 2-10-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report and to practice memorizing the poems for the assembly next week.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Homework for 2-9-10

Tonight's homework is to complete the reading worksheet and to practice memorizing the poems for the assembly next week.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Poem Practice

I am asking that you continue to practice memorizing the poems with your child for the assembly next week.

Homework for 2-8-10

The students in room 200 will reviewing concepts and working out of their reading ISAT books this week. They will not work on a new story, nor will they have new spelling or vocabulary words this week. Tonight's homework is to complete the reading worksheet and the unit 6 practice math test.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Homework for 2-5-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report for 2-10-10. Also, I am asking that the children practice memorizing their poems at home.

Saturday's Child Poem

Some are teethed on a silver spoon,
With the stars strung for a rattle;
I cut my teeth as the black raccoon--
For implements of battle.

Some are swaddled in silk and down,
And heralded by a star;
They swathed my limbs in a sackcloth gown
On a night that was black as tar.

For some, godfather and goddame
The opulent fairies be;
Dame Poverty gave me my name,
And Pain godfathered me.

For I was born on Saturday--
"Bad time for planting a seed,"
Was all my father had to say,
And, "One mouth more to feed."

Death cut the strings that gave me life,
And handed me to Sorrow,
The only kind of middle wife
My folks could beg or borrow.

Martin Luther King Poem

He had a dream.
He understood
The sturdy grace
Of brotherhood.

He had a dream
That simple joy
Would gently bless
each girl and boy.

He shared his dream.
His wise words shone:
“Join hands.
We cannot walk alone.”

He had a dream
All hearts can sing:
“This is our hope…
Let freedom ring.”

African-American History Assembly

The students will be participating in an assemble on February 19, 2010 at 12:00. They will be reciting two poems. I have given a copy of the poems to your child to memorize at home. I have included the poems on this blog.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Homework for 2-4-10

Tonight's homework is to study for the reading and spelling test and to complete the math worksheet.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Homework for 2-3-10

Tonight's homework is to write the spelling words in alphabetical order and to complete home link 6.10

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Homework for 2-2-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence and to complete home link 6.9.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Homework for 2-1-10

Tonight's homework will be to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete home link 6.8.

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 2-1-10

1. arrangement
2. tingle
3. huddled
4. sharp
5. construction
6. aisles

Spelling Words for the Week of 2-1-10

1. moment
2. radio
3. united
4. dial
5. continue
6. minus
7. number
8. wagon
9. begin
10. fuel
11. cancel
12. person
13. until
14. humid
15. open

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Homework for 1-28-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report and the "What My Father Means To Me" essay. Your child received a form and instructions for the essay today.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Homework for 1-25-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete home link 6.6.

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 1-25-10

1. council
2. mayor
3. elect
4. cashier
5. taxes
6. routes

Spelling Words for the Week of 1-25-10

1. argue
2. skew
3. view
4. confuse
5. fury
6. rescue
7. human
8. cute
9. mew
10. value
11. pure
12. music
13. few
14. hue
15. cue

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Unit 5 Math Test

I have graded and recorded the scores for unit 5 math test in the grade book. A part of the home work for this weekend will be to correct all mistakes made on the test. If your child finishes all the corrections on the test, half credit for the questions missed will be added back to the final test score. Please return the original test along with the corrections on a separate piece of paper by 1-25-10 to receive credit.

Grades for 1-21-10

I have inputted grades for the math, reading and spelling tests today. Your child has been instructed to bring these home. I encourage you to look at your child's grades online.

Homework for 1-21-10

Tonight's homework is to complete home link 6.5 as well as write the spelling words in alphabetical order. The students have a reading and spelling test on 1-22-10. They have been instructed to bring their reading books home and study for each test.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Homework for 1-20-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence and to complete home link 6.4.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Homework for 1-19-10

Tonight's homework is to write each vocabulary word in a sentence as well as complete home link 6.3.

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 1-18-10

1. culture
2. international
3. ingredients
4. dough
5. jalapeno

Spelling Words for the Week of 1-18-10

1. thigh
2. cocoa
3. shallow
4. twilight
5. July
6. oak
7. cone
8. bike
9. below
10. soap
11. tow
12. why
13. fight
14. tie
15. dry

Friday, January 15, 2010

Homework for 1-15-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 1-22-10.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Homework for 1-13-10

Tonight's homework is to put the spelling words in alphabetical order. The students took the unit 5 math test today, therefore there is no math homework. You may want to take the time to review math facts with your child, or practice double digit addition.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Classroom Supplies

We are currently out of tissue and running low on hand soap. Any donation of either item would be appreciated. Thank you for your support.

Homework for 1-12-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence and to complete the math practice test. Your child will be taking a math test tomorrow in school for unit five.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Spelling Words for the Week of 1-11-10

1. owe
2. robot
3. below
4. coast
5. borrow
6. show
7. hello
8. coat
9. blow
10. toad
11. know
12. boat
13. grow
14. loan
15. store

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 1-11-10

1. vault
2. withdrawals
3. borrow
4. employees
5. deposits

Homework for 1-8-10

This weekend's homework is to complete the book report. It is due on 1-15-10.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Homework for 1-7-10

Tonight's homework is to study for the reading and spelling test as well as construct two square pyramids from the worksheets I have provided. I would like to display the pyramids at school. Your child should color/decorate the pyramid template before construction.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Homework for 1-6-10

Tonight's homework will be to write the spelling words in alphabetical order and to complete home link 5.8.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Homework for 1-5-10

Tonight's homework is to write each spelling word in a sentence and to complete home link 5.7. The home link for this evening is to construct a pyramid from the worksheet. I would like to display the pyramids at school. Your child may color/decorate the pyramid template before construction.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Homework for 1-4-10

Tonight's homework will be to write each vocabulary word in a sentence and to complete home link 5.6.

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 1-04-10

1. practice
2. public
3. recognize
4. automatically
5. perched

Spelling Words for the Week of 1-04-10

1. mighty
2. knight
3. style
4. skyscraper
5. recognize
6. try
7. mice
8. lie
9. shy
10. right
11. child
12. pile
13. fly
14. night
15. pie