Monday, October 29, 2012

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 10-29-12

1. feelings
2. precious
3. care
4. kind
5. share
6. dawn
7. elves
8. shoemaker
9. flash
10. leather
11. finest
12. snoozing
13. furious
14. repay
15. raged
16. gnaw
17. palace
18. escalator
19. dashing
20. yanked
21. fastened
22. engines
23. glows
24. witness
25. litter

Spelling Words for the Week of 10-29-12

1. apron
2. final
3. quite
4. quiet
5. share
6. comb
7. bugle
8. total
9. human
10. suppose
11. basic
12. program
13. usual
14. finest
15. caper
16. compete
17. create
18. evening
19. delete
20. eraser
21. alphabet
22. wrinkle
23. known
24. nephew
25. photo

Homework for the Week of 10-29-12

This week's homework will be as follows:
Monday: Write each vocabulary word in a sentence and math 4-1
Tuesday: Write each spelling word in a sentence and math 4-2
Thursday: Study for reading and spelling test and math 4-3
Friday: book report

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

This Week's Reading and Spelling Test

The students in room 200 will be taking this week's reading and spelling test on Monday October 29, 2012. Don't forget to study over the weekend.

Homework for the Week of 10-22-12

This week's homework will be as follows:
Monday: Write each vocabulary word in a sentence and math 3-5
Tuesday: Write each spelling word in a sentence and math 3-6
Wednesday: Choose at least three vocabulary words and write them within a paragraph and math worksheet
Thursday: Study for reading and spelling test and math worksheet
Friday: book report

Friday, October 19, 2012

Spelling Words for the Week of 10-22-12

  1. wren
  2. knot
  3. knife
  4. write
  5. phone
  6. graph
  7. wrap
  8. wrist
  9. phase
  10. knit
  11. alphabet
  12. wrinkle
  13. known
  14. nephew
  15. photo

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 10-22-12

  1. palace
  2. escalator
  3. dashing
  4. yanked
  5. fastened

Monday, October 15, 2012

Homework for the Week of 10-15-12

This week's homework will be as follows:
Monday: Write each vocabulary word in a sentence and math 3-1
Tuesday: Write each spelling word in a sentence and math 3-2
Wednesday: Choose at least three vocabulary words and write them within a paragraph and math 3-3
Thursday: Study for reading and spelling test and math 3-4
Friday: book report

Spelling Words for the Week of 10-15-12

  1. repay
  2. meter
  3. eve
  4. gene
  5. beside
  6. elect
  7. pretend
  8. these
  9. hero
  10. demand
  11. compete
  12. create
  13. evening
  14. delete
  15. eraser

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 10-15-12

  1. snoozing
  2. furious
  3. repay
  4. raged
  5. gnaw

Monday, October 8, 2012

Homework for the Week of 10-8-12

This week's homework will be as follows:
Monday: Write each vocabulary word in a sentence and math 2-5
Tuesday: Write each spelling word in a sentence and math 2-6
Wednesday: Choose at least three vocabulary words and write them within a paragraph and math 2-7
Thursday: Study for reading and spelling test and math worksheet
Friday: book report

Spelling Words for the Week of 10-8-12

  1. label
  2. vine
  3. bonus
  4. wild
  5. gate
  6. huge
  7. zero
  8. made
  9. spoke
  10. use
  11. basic
  12. program
  13. usual
  14. finest
  15. caper

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 10-8-12

  1. elves
  2. shoemaker
  3. flash
  4. leather
  5. finest

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Reading and Math Test

I have graded and put the scores in the gradebook for both the math and reading tests.  Your child has been instructed to bring these papers home.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Homework for the Week of 10-1-12

This week's homework will be as follows:
Monday: Write each vocabulary word in a sentence and math 2-1
Tuesday: Write each spelling word in a sentence and math 2-2
Wednesday: Choose at least three vocabulary words and write them within a paragraph and math 2-3
Thursday: Study for reading and spelling test and math 2-4
Friday: book report

Spelling Words for the Week of 10-1-12

1. menu

2. nose

3. most

4. cure

5. joke

6. unit

7. vote

8. fuse

9. soda

10. mule

11. comb

12. bugle

13. total

14. human

15. suppose

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 10-1-12

1. dawn

2. engines

3. glows

4. witness

5. litter