Friday, September 28, 2012

Spelling Test

I have graded and recorded this week's spelling test.  Your child has been instructed to bring the test home. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Homework for the Week of 9-24-12

This week's homework will be as follows:

Monday: Write each vocabulary word in a sentence and math 1-5

Tuesday: Write each spelling word in a sentence and math 1-6

Wednesday: Choose at least three vocabulary words and write them within a paragraph and math 1-7

Thursday: Study for reading and spelling test and math worksheet

Friday: book report

Spelling Words for the Week of 9-24-12

1. mild

2. care

3. pilot

4. lady

5. bake

6. time

7. sale

8. ride

9. able

10. kind

11. apron

12. final

13. quite

14. quiet

15. share

Vocabulary Words for the Week of 9-24-12

1. feelings

2. share

3. precious

4. care

5. kind